Xiaomeng is a digital artist and interactive designer based in London. She is focused on environmental art, mixed reality, interactive design, generative art and virtual production.
Xiaomeng Zhang is awarded a Master of Architecture from Architectural Association, London in 2022. She has work experience in architecture, digital art, interactive design and virtual production. In 2022, she collaborated with AAIS Spatial Performance and Design in London, UK on stage design and virtual production as a digital artist. In 2020, she was invited as an instructor to curate and teach the sound visualization interactive installation workshop of Yuz Museum in Shanghai. Her independent works have been exhibited in the Shanghai Urban Space Art Season(SUSAS) and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture(UABB) in the year of 2019.
Multimedia Design
Virtual Production
Mixed Reality(AR)
Interactive Design
Environmental Design
Working Platform
Unreal Engine 5
Cinema 4D
Rhino 3D